Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Response to America’s Moral Volcano By: ELEANOR JONES HARVEY
I really enjoyed the article because it relates nicely to what I've been reading for my community arts class. We had to read numerous chapters from the book Other Sheep I Have by Father Paul Washington which talks all about the civil rights movement which also relates back to the civil war and the topic of slavery and race. This topic of equality has been popping up a lot and it is enriching to analyze it again and get another layer of history.
I found it exciting that the artists of that time were using symbolism such as the volcano and the aurora to depict the unrest that they felt regarding slavery. The images posted on the article were also stunning and inspiring. I love to use symbolism in my work as well and to see it employed so successfully was magnificent and thought provoking. In some ways the landscapes remind me of poetry because these symbols are hidden throughout it and need to be searched out to get the full meaning. In some ways they are deceiving because there is more than meets the eye. This is the same process in which you go about dissecting a poem. Poetry is also my second love.
Since I am an art education major I am always thinking of future lesson plans and this reading sparked an idea. I was thinking that I could maybe talk about this artist (Frederic Edwin Church) and how he used symbolism in his landscape paintings and then create a project where the class has to create their own landscape that symbolizes what is going on in their life, their country, their world etc. 
            This article was very useful. I also passed it along to a friend once I finished reading

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